what a journey a year can be

I have been thinking a lot about our last year and all we have done.  It has been a year since we left San Diego and started our great adventure.  We have seen so many things, had so many great experiences and learned many lessons.  As scary as it was to quit our jobs and move away from our best friends I can say that a year later I am still glad we did it!
 Since it has been 12 months I thought I would make a top 12 list of why our last year has been wonderful!

1. The time that Mike and I have had to really get to know each other, he truly has become my best friend, my favorite traveling companion and the love of my life.
2. I have done 4 things on my bucket list all within a year!
3. We have lived in two different states.
4. We spent the winter skiing.
5. We were able to travel with both of our parents.
6.  Traveled through Italy.
7. Traveled through Ireland.
8. We camped up the California and Oregon coast, 25 days in a tent.
9. Have checked 5 National Parks off our list, and over 12 state parks.
10. Lived on the Oregon Coast for a summer. (going back this summer for those who want to visit!)
11. Mike was able to take a whole winter "off" to take care of Tinka, and find a new hobby of wood working.
12. Our adventures are not over!!!  Taking this leap has taught us that we can really do anything we put our minds to!  This whole things started with one crazy idea and has become the time of our lives!

For a current update, we left Sandpoint Id, on Tuesday the 2nd and are taking a week or so to get to my parents house in Washington.  We have drove to Missoula and stayed at Lolo hot springs, and made our way down to Sun Valley Idaho for a day of skiing.  Our next stop is Boise.
Here are a few pictures of our trip so far. Enjoy!!

Our last day skiing at Schweitzer. 

See we do know how to ski:)

Professional skier. 

Amazing the cliffs meeting the lake, on our way out of Sandpoint.

Open road

You never know who you will run into on a potty break.

We stopped at the Bison Range. 

Such amazing colors that day!!

The Bison Range is cool!

So cool we followed the river almost the whole drive.

My new friends.

Spring skiing at Sun Valley! 

Amanda's photo fun day

I feel so lucky to have such great friends that have let me photograph them and their families!!  It just so happens that finally my best friend since high school and I were going to be in the same place at the same time.  We had a small window of about 4 hours to connect, it was just enough for some pictures and a short visit.  We had big plans to go to the park and playground but, the weather in the pacific northwest quickly changed that idea.  We took full advantage when the sun finally came out for a bit and we just walked around the apartment complex.  This is what I love about kids, he was just as happy as he would be at the playground.  He was surrounded by those he loved, and found things to play with. I was so glad we had some time to get Reiss and his grandparents hanging out together.  How cute it this little man!!!

I hope that you all enjoy looking through our photo fun day.

weekend hike

We have recently decided that it is time once again to change our plan.  I know you have heard this before.  Our plan was to stay in Idaho for a year and enjoy all the seasons!  Although Sandpoint is a beautiful place it has been a struggle to live in such a small job market.  So Oregon will be our summer home again.  We do have a few stops before we settle down for the summer.  We hope to keep you all updated and share our journey with you.
Since our time is limited in Idaho we are trying to take advantage of what mother nature has blessed this place with.  The snow is melting in the foothills of the mountain and spring is in the air, we decided to take advantage of it this weekend with a hike.

Round Lake State Park, is just a few miles from home and a perfect day hike for the three of us.  We enjoyed not being all bundled up, the fresh air and all the day had to offer.  We saw so many birds the best of all a few bald eagles!!

We hope you had a great weekend!!!  Our plan for the week is to do some skiing and maybe explore some of the towns around us.

Venice Day one

I figured that since it is the day of Love, what better time than now to share with you the city of love!

Before I begin this post, let me tell you I am not in Italy now, I am in Idaho:)  I was in Italy and plan on telling you all about it.
Looking back on this trip and going through the pictures lets me live it all over again!!!  It really was a trip of a life time that is still going.  

This city really is magical, you cant help but become wrapped up in its magic once you arrive.  You just smile because everywhere you turn there is beauty.  Little nooks of history preserved even with everyday life hustling and bustling around them.  Our first day was really just wondering around with the mission of eating and drinking as much as we could.  Embracing all we could of this beautiful city on the water.  And that we did.  Here are a few pictures of our first day exploring this city, that we all fell in Love with!

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